Saturday, May 12, 2007


Seebi or Sibikshetra as it is known, is a day trip from Bangalore. It is home of a beautiful 18th century temple. This temple looks very plain and deceptively simple from the outside but hold your breath , for the beautiful stucco figures on the parapet will defy everything that you might imagine to see inside.

The entrance to the Narasimha (Lion God) Temple at Seebi. The figures are the door keepers or Dwarapalakas who are also considered the guardians of Heaven. Two majestic elephants form a prop to the stone stairway.

Some breathtaking stucco figures that line the four walls of the outer parapet of the temple. These have survived the ravages of time and stand testimony to the eye for detail and excellence of the sculptors in the 17th century

The Narasimha Temple at Seebi with the stucco figures of the imposing Lord Narasimha (Lion God) disembowelling the demon with visible trails of the intestines. Also featured is the Holy Cow Kamadhenu, also known as the Cow of Plenty.

The frescos in the sanctum sanctorum of the Seebi temple take you completely by surprise , just as the stucco figures would, when you enter the temple.You least expect to find something so breathtaking in what I define as a deceptively plain temple .
This is a painting of the Lord Vishnu depicted as the Lion God . A very unique portrayal that I have never seen before.


ksanlkasf said...

I slipped to your block via flickr dot com, and I surely will read more of your post. I like India and I wish I could learn more from your trip :-).

Anonymous said...

Loved your blog!

Madhu Gopalan said...

Beautiful pictures! I'm so putting this temple on my To See list the next time I'm in Bangalore!

I stumbled upon your blog quite by chance and love its name!